Can you think of anything more frightening than turning on your computer one day to discover everything you've had on it is gone? If you rely on your computer for work or day to day activities, you would understandably suffer some kind of panic attack. As a business manager, what you lose could mean the difference between a setback in your company or serious damage.
It's important, therefore, not to put off devising a data recovery plan. It doesn't matter if you are self-employed or have an office of 50-100 people. If the bulk of your work is stored on computers and servers - and chances are this is true of you - you need to have a system in place where you can easily recover data in the event of a natural disaster or virus threat. If your business collects sensitive data like personal information, Social Security numbers, or bank routing numbers, make this a priority.
So, what does a data recovery plan entail? Data recovery is the process by which you retrieve files and other material from a digital storage facility, typically in the event of damage or an infection that renders the source unreadable. This is possible with everything from hard disk drives to CD-ROMs, USB thumb drives and older devices like ZIP drives. As technology changes and the equipment evolves, you may one day end up having to retrieve something from an obsolete source (remember the five-inch floppy?). Data recovery is one way to help.
Some actions you may wish to consider include:
Regular backup of systems. Talk with a technology provider about your options. Is isn't uncommon for businesses to back up data on a nightly basis to make sure everything is up to speed. Cloud computing may be an option, but risks exist.
Protection of secondary drives. If you use USB drives and disks, keep everything in protective cases and make sure they are not exposed to the elements. Being careless with disks increases the risk of unreadable or damaged files.
Use recovery data software with caution. These programs may work in a minor situation, but if you sense your hardware is not working correctly, you could experience problems and make things worse.
If you do not have an IT department to handle disaster recovery, contact a local company that specializes in data recovery. The process is quite delicate, and a certified expert will have the tools needed to get you back online with your files.
It's important, therefore, not to put off devising a data recovery plan. It doesn't matter if you are self-employed or have an office of 50-100 people. If the bulk of your work is stored on computers and servers - and chances are this is true of you - you need to have a system in place where you can easily recover data in the event of a natural disaster or virus threat. If your business collects sensitive data like personal information, Social Security numbers, or bank routing numbers, make this a priority.
So, what does a data recovery plan entail? Data recovery is the process by which you retrieve files and other material from a digital storage facility, typically in the event of damage or an infection that renders the source unreadable. This is possible with everything from hard disk drives to CD-ROMs, USB thumb drives and older devices like ZIP drives. As technology changes and the equipment evolves, you may one day end up having to retrieve something from an obsolete source (remember the five-inch floppy?). Data recovery is one way to help.
Some actions you may wish to consider include:
Regular backup of systems. Talk with a technology provider about your options. Is isn't uncommon for businesses to back up data on a nightly basis to make sure everything is up to speed. Cloud computing may be an option, but risks exist.
Protection of secondary drives. If you use USB drives and disks, keep everything in protective cases and make sure they are not exposed to the elements. Being careless with disks increases the risk of unreadable or damaged files.
Use recovery data software with caution. These programs may work in a minor situation, but if you sense your hardware is not working correctly, you could experience problems and make things worse.
If you do not have an IT department to handle disaster recovery, contact a local company that specializes in data recovery. The process is quite delicate, and a certified expert will have the tools needed to get you back online with your files.
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